Effectiveness of Transformative Instructional Model on Acquisition of Selected Vocational Skills among the Vulnerable Youth in Nakuru County, Kenya
Educators and community trainers have identified the critical role that practical vocational skills can play in the development of broad-based capabilities among the youth. However, the question is whether instructional methods used for practical skills are sufficient to prepare trainees with potentials that reflect and model content productively. This paper presents findings of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of structured group learning model (SGLM) in acquisition of vocational skills in handicrafts among the vulnerable youth in Nakuru County. The study used quasi experimental design. The Population of the study was 200 identified vulnerable youths in the County. A sample size of 60 members was purposively selected for the study, 30 youth were used as experimental group and the other 30 as control group. Experimental group was trained using (SGLM) methods and a control group was trained through traditional methods. The research instruments were validated and pilot tested, the reliability analysis yielded an index of 0.89 which was sufficient for the study. Data was collected using a guided questionnaire and observation checklist after the training. Pearson chi square was used to test the association between SGLM and acquisition of vocational skills at a significant level of 0.05.The results revealed that there is an association between SGLM and acquisition of some facets of vocational craft skills but not in skill on developing patterns, specifications, branding and packaging of finished products. The Model could be an alternative training strategy for vulnerable youth as it empowers the youth with necessary skills for productive livelihood.
Keywords: Handicraft skills; Structured Group Learning Model; Traditional; Transformative learning; Vulnerable youthFull Text:
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