Evaluation of Strategic Options for Enhancing Community Resilience to Drought in Kitui County, Kenya
In Kenya, Arid and semi-arid Lands are more affected by drought due to their fragile ecosystems, unfavourable climate, and historical marginalization. Kitui County is one of the counties that have been hit hard by protracted droughts over the past decades. This study aimed at addressing the increasing global, regional, and national attention on building community resilience to disasters. The overall objective of the study was to evaluate the strategic options for enhancing community resilience to drought in Kitui County. The study was conducted in Mwingi North and Mwingi West Sub-Counties which were selected using purposive sampling technique. The study utilized data collected from 385 households sampled using simple random sampling technique. Descriptive, correlation, and evaluation research designs were employed. Data was collected using structured questionnaires; focus group discussion guides; key informant interview guides and observation checklists and analysed using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) software Version 28, STATA Version 15 and MS Excel. The results based on Spearman’s weighting revealed support for more sustainable water sources had the highest rank 34.4%; followed by increased access to credit facilities 15.1%; livestock/crop insurance schemes 11.9% and support for food storage facilities 11% among others. R =0.534 and R2 = 0.286 revealed that the contribution of strategic options to community resilience to drought was significant. The study recommends use of both ex-ante and ex post strategies to enhance community resilience to drought. These findings will be beneficial in guiding the policy makers in improving strategies for enhancing community resilience to drought.
Key Words: Drought; community resilience; vulnerability; households; climate change.
Full Text:
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