Influence of Statist Inter-ethnic Economic Transformation in the Management of Inter-ethnic Conflicts in Bungoma County, Kenya

Job Mulati Chebai, Crispinous Iteyo


Globally, disputes over economic resources often complicated inter-ethnic conflicts. In Kenya, specifically in Bungoma County inter-ethnic economic reasons underpinned 1963 including 1992 conflicts. Objective of the study was to examine the influence of statist inter-ethnic economic integration in management of inter-ethnic conflict in Bungoma. A conceptual framework underpinned by Lederach’s Conflict Transformation and Gultang’s Conflict Triangle guided the study. A descriptive research design was applied. The study was conducted in Bungoma County. Population was sampled by Simple Radom and Purposively. The sample size of 400 participants used was derived from 1375065 population using Yamane 1967 formula. Questionnaires, interviews, Focus Group Discussions and document analysis were instruments used. Microsoft Excel, thematisation, corroboration and verification analysed data. The findings were: Unlike eldership 42%, intermarriage 23% and culture 20%, 15% of respondents agreed that trade initially influenced inter-ethnic co-existence. Its role was alienated and differentiated by colonization. Statist inter-ethnic economic transformation mutated from inter-ethnic inequitable: Economic distribution and access to lack of resources and high population all rated at 16% to inter-ethnic economic political neglect 21%, economic stagnation 15% and competition over resources 17%. Inter-ethnic economic integration diversity policies identified were to be guided by economic equity, population spread and affirmative action. Challenges established were inter-ethnic iniquities in economic, education and development. The study recommends enforcement of inter-ethnic equity policies in resource distribution, jobs and in development.

Key words: Statist; inter-ethnic transformation; economic transformation; conflict management; inter-ethnic economic integration; equity

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