Influence of Teacher Appraisal Systems on Teacher Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Koibatek Sub County, Kenya
The study aimed at establishing the influence of teacher appraisal systems on teacher performance in public secondary schools in Koibatek Sub County, Kenya. The study sought to establish the extent to which teacher appraisal was conducted in secondary schools in Koibatek Sub-County. Vroom’s Expectance Theory guided the study. Concurrent mixed methods research design was used. The target population comprised of all principals, teachers and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers. Simple, stratified and purposive sampling techniques were used. Questionnaire, in-depth interview guide, document analysis schedule and a lesson observation schedule were used to data collection. Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, mean scores and standard deviations were computed while Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used to test the hypothesis. Qualitative data were coded into related themes and categories. The study findings indicated that the appraisal process was effective in schools. On teacher performance based on appraisal documents analyzed, teachers scored fairly well on co-curricular activities and lesson attendance. Majority of the teachers were found not having scheme of work and lesson plans. Records of work covered were not written by most teachers. Creativity and innovation were scored dismally by most teachers. Parental involvement and guidance and counselling are other areas which attracted low marks. It was established that there was a statistically significant relationship between teachers’ performance appraisal scores and teachers’ lesson observation scores. The study findings would benefit principals, teachers, DQASOs, TSC and MOE on teacher appraisal implementation. It was recommended that emphasis was to be made to teachers on their preparation towards lessons with regard to professional documents.
Key words: Teachers Appraisal Systems; Performance; Schools
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