Influence of Credit Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
The management of credit risk in commercial banks determines the banks' financial performance, which predominantly influences the quality of the loan portfolio and the nature of credit administration programs as a whole. By ensuring that credit risk is effectively managed, the primary objective of credit risk management is to generate a high-quality, stable, large, and growing flow of net interest income for banks. This objective is achieved by ensuring that banks can meet the needs of their customers. This study determined the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of Kenyan commercial banks. The investigation was founded on the portfolio theory. The paradigm of Positivism served as the philosophical foundation for the investigation. The study incorporated both explanatory and longitudinal research designs into its methodology. The study's target population consisted of 32 Commercial Banks in Kenya. The study utilized panel data consisting of time series and cross-sectional data spanning a decade from 2010 to 2019. Using Eviews, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the collected data, which was then presented in tables and figures. The study found out that Credit risk management had an insignificant negative relationship with Return on Equity (ROE) (F=87.02884, p<0.05) and Return on Assets (ROA) (F=118.1208, p<0.05). Arising from the study findings, it is observed that credit risk management has a negative effect on financial performance measure either in ROA or ROE, it is recommended that commercial banks should keep this parameter as minimum as possible so as not involve in loss making undertakings.
Key words: Credit risk management; financial performance; commercial banks
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