The Impact of Financial Management Practices on Academic Performance in Day Schools of Kicukiro District in Rwanda
This study aimed at investigating the influence of financial management practices on secondary school academic performance in day schools of Kicukiro District in Rwanda. These practices may affect students’ achievements in one way or another. As school funds is well used to avail enough teaching aids, to train teachers in different domains, to hire qualified teachers if in need and many more. All these activities yield in improved students’ outcomes. The general objective was to examine the influence of financial management practices on secondary school academic performance in day schools of Kicukiro District in Rwanda. Specific objectives of the study were the following: to investigate financial management practices in selected schools in Kicukiro District, to determine the level of secondary school academic performance in selected schools in Kicukiro District, and to establish the relationship between financial management practices and secondary school academic performance in Kicukiro district. The research design was a descriptive co-relation. Structured questionnaires and interview were used to collect data. Statistical techniques such as mean, and Spearman correlation were used for data analysis. The findings indicate a positive relationship between financial management practices and secondary schools’ academic performance in Rwanda. The study also identified poor academic performance in National examination of S3 students in day schools. Again, there are other students’ related factors which can positively or negatively affect students’ achievements. Courses related to financial managements should be integrated in schools for pre-service teachers but also the in-service training need more attention for school to be effectively managed.
Key words: Financial management; School performance; Academic performanceFull Text:
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Data citation
Prudencienne, U., Gabriel, N. Dieudonne, T.(2015). The impact of financial management practices on academic performance in day schools of Kicukiro District, Rwanda
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