Enhancing quality of teaching and learning sciences through multimedia in selected secondary schools in Rwanda
The main purpose of this article is to highlight the role of multimedia in improving the quality of teaching and learning sciences in selected secondary schools in Rwanda. Specifically, it explores importance of using multimedia in teaching and learning sciences, extent to which science teachers use multimedia, impact of multimedia on students’ performance, and challenges encountered in using multimedia. The Cognitive Constructivist Theory of Multimedia (CCTM) guided this paper and it adopted the Static-Group Pretest-Posttest Research design whereby two existing classrooms were used: one as treatment group and another one as control group. 40 teachers randomly selected were involved in this research and data were gathered through document review guide, questionnaire as well as a test. The analysis of qualitative data was done thematically and percentages, means, standard deviation and t-test were used for quantitative data. Findings were presented in tables and verbatim. The paper noted that multimedia is poorly provided and teachers rarely use them in teaching. It further noted that multimedia has a significant impact on students’ performance. The paper recommended to provide more multimedia and use them for effective teaching and learning of sciences.
Key words: Quality; teaching, science; multimedia; ICT; Rwanda
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