Mechanisms for Coping with Socio-ethical Dilemmas of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Girls in a Mixed-day Secondary School, Kiambu County, Kenya
The COVID-19 pandemic and its containment measures have affected every aspect of life including education sector by providing a new unigue experience. Despite online learning adopted to fill the face to face learning gaps created by the pandemic, the plight of school going age gilrs canot be ignored. The main objective of this case study was to examines some of the coping mechanisms adopted by girls in a day secondary school in Kiambu County in order to overcome the socio-ethical challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive design was utilized to collect data using a questionnaire. Purposive sampling was utilized to obtain a sample of 20 respondents.The main socio ethical dilemma that the school girls in the selected mixed day secondary school faced include distruption of their social groups and they were exposed to sexual and drug abuse. Among the coping mechanism the school girls adopted included engaging more on online activities and seeking sibling and parental assistance.The major remedy suggested is government interventions in the cost of internet provision during the pandemic.The paper contextualizes the issues raised with an aim of drawing practical implications for future education research, policy and planning.
Keywords: COVID-19, Learning, Socio-ethical dilemma, Coping Mechanism
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