Suggestion Boxes as A Principals’ Communication Strategy and Management of Students’ Discipline During Covid 19 Era in Public Secondary Schools in Kisasi Sub-County, Kenya
This study sought to investigate principals' use of suggestion boxes as a communication strategy in management of students’ discipline during Covid 19 Era in public secondary schools in Kisasi Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya. The study objectives sought to establish the availability of suggestion boxes in schools for management of students’ discipline and to determine the frequency at which Suggestion Boxes were opened by the Principal during Covid 19 era. The study targeted 20 principals, 140 teachers who consisted of 20 deputy principals, 20 heads of departments, guidance and counseling, 20 form four class teachers and 20 presidents of the students’ council from which a sample of 18 principals, 54 teachers, and 18 students were picked using census sampling, making a total of 90 respondents. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. Data collection was done using Questionnaires. Data was analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Both quantitative and qualitative data generated from the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data generated from the study was organized into themes based on common responses and reported in a narrative form. Quantitative data was presented using frequency distribution and cross tabulation tables. The study established from majority of the principals 55.6% that they had suggestion boxes in their schools and only 44.4% of the schools did not have them. The study concluded that use of suggestion boxes could help in alleviating most of the students’ related indiscipline issues during Covid-19 era. The study recommended that more schools should be encouraged to have adequate suggestion boxes. The suggestion boxes should be strategically placed in their premises and opened regularly.
Key words: suggestion boxes, discipline of students, communication strategies, management of students’ behaviour
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