Quality of Life among Married Individuals in Nigeria: Does Marital Abuse and Marital Satisfaction Matter?
With a steady increase in abuse within marriages and the rate of dysfunctional marriages on the rise, this research aims to examine the influence of marital abuse and marital satisfaction on couples’ quality of life. Two hundred and fifty-eight (258) married individuals purposefully selected through accidental sampling participated in the study. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. Composite Abuse Scale, Index of Marital Satisfaction, and Quality of Life Scale were used to collect data from the participants. The t-test and multiple regression results revealed a significant difference between the mean score of abused (=65.29, SD=13.64) and unabused (=83.75, SD=21.81) couples on quality-of-life measures {t (258) = 4.79, P<.05}. There was also a significant difference between maritally satisfied (=84.62, SD=24.31) and maritally unsatisfied (=76.00, SD=15.75) couples on quality-of-life measures {t (258) = -03.14, P<.05}, and marital satisfaction and marital abuse jointly predicted couples’ quality of life (F (2, 255) =25.668, p<.05, R²=.168). The study concluded that marital abuse and satisfaction influence a couple’s quality of life. We recommend a need for awareness among couples or intending couples on the implications of our findings.
Keywords: Lagos, marital abuse, marital satisfaction, quality of life, couples.
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