Tuition Financing of Secondary Education and Students’ Participation in Siaya County, Kenya
The purpose of this study was to establish how tuition financing of secondary education affects students’ participation in public secondary schools in Siaya County. The researcher used mixed methods approach and descriptive research design where both qualitative and quantitative data was collected. The target population was 21,017 comprised of 276 school principals, 6 Sub County Directors of Education and 20,735 Form IV students with a sample size of 2,160. The researcher adopted stratified simple random sampling technique to get respondents from categories of the schools. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis. Both descriptive and inferential data analysis methods were used in analysing data. The study findings established that tuition financing, had a significant influence on students’ participation on public secondary schools in Siaya County.
Key Words: Tuition financing, Students’ ParticipationFull Text:
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