Feedback and Reward strategy: The Predictor of Teachers Performance Appraisal Development (TPAD) in Public Primary Schools in Kieni East Sub-County, Kenya
Reward and feedback are generally understood as the most crucial aspects of human management in performance appraisal. However, managers are faced with the challenge of choosing the measure to adopt on rewards system and communicating feedback in real time on employee performance appraisal. The study sought to examine the influence of feedback delivery and reward strategy on the implementation of TPAD. The study comprised of a population of 619 respondents comprising of 52 head teachers, 566 teachers and 1 Sub-county Director of Education in Kieni-East Sub-County. Systematic stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 170 teachers, 30 head teachers and 1 Sub-county Director of Education. Data were analyzed using SPSS software programme. Test-retest was checked on instrument reliability. Pearson correlation and regression analysis was used. The study established a relationship between feedback, reward system and performance appraisal P (0.002) <0.05: reward strategy r (180) = 0.176, P (0.018) <0.05 and a weak negative relationship between evaluation feedback and appraisal r (180) = -257, P (0.000) <0.05. The study concluded that respondents had negative attitude on the effect of evaluation feedback on performance but reward strategy was effective in enhancing performance outcomes in secondary schools in Kieni East Sub County. The study suggests future research to focus on motivation to improve teacher performance appraisal and development leading to better understanding of reactions regarding Teacher performance appraisal and Development and intentions. Teachers promotions and pay structures should be based on job evaluation and market analysis.
Key words: Head teachers; reward strategy; feedback delivery: performance appraisal development: Schools; School Administration; School improvement.Full Text:
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