Competence Based Curriculum Implementation Since 2018 to 2020 in Kenya: A Review of Current Status
Competence-based education in Kenya has evolved over the recent time and is being implemented in the whole of Kenya and is already in grade 4. It is rooted in the philosophy of education and the need for practical education, competence-based education. The aim of this paper is to review the challenges teachers face in implementing CBC in Kenyan schools. Data and past findings were gathered from several articles by researchers to determine the central idea of the rationality of this paper. As evidence, an empirical result was provided to ensure the information might be beneficial into this significant finding that associated with government’s provision towards schools so as to achieve successful implementation of CBC. Thus, this review also highlighted challenges and constraints on teacher preparedness in implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenyan schools. This gap is to illustrate how the constraints can be breached in order to influence directly the implementers contribution, benefit and where and when to mitigate the challenges that hinder the smooth implementation of the new curriculum in Kenya. In this review the paper brings a challenge and contribution among stakeholders involved in the implementation process to work diligently to close the gap that clearly evident.
Key words: CBC, competencies, perceptions, staffing, communication, teacherFull Text:
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