Effectiveness of Implemented School Development Plan in Enhancing Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Ulanga District, Tanzania
The study examined the effectiveness of implemented School Development Planning (SDP) in enhancing quality education a case of public secondary schools in Ulanga District. Four research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study to elucidate the perception of heads of schools on the SDP. The study was guided by convergent parallel design under mixed research approach. The target population comprised of 17 public secondary schools and 17 heads of schools. Two secondary schools were used for pilot study. While the remaining 15 public secondary schools were all involved in the study. All the 15 heads of public secondary schools were involved in the study by virtue of their position and responsibility. Questionnaires and interview guide were administered to collect relevant data for the study. The study found out that not all the schools in Ulanga District had SDP. Also, the SDPs were not highly effective in enhancing quality education since some of the elements that enhance quality education were not implemented. The study further revealed that majority of the heads of schools had positive perception on the SDP as a tool toward improvement of teaching and learning in the schools; while a few of them had negative perception. The results from the tested null hypothesis reveals a moderate relationship between implementation of SDP and quality education. Thus, implementation of SDP to some extent enhances quality education which in turn improves students’ academic performance. The study concluded that the implemented SDP are moderately effective in enhancing various factors that ensure quality education in secondary schools. Furthermore, the study suggested that high cooperation should be emphasized between educational stakeholders in implementing SDPs for the improvement of quality of education in Ulanga District. The researcher suggested close follow up of the DEO, DQA and WEC on the development and implementation of SDP for effective improvement of teaching and learning.
Keywords: School Development Plan; Quality Education
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