The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) is global plan of action for planet, people, peace and prosperity. The SDGs were built on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) a development plan aimed to eradicating poverty and fostering development. The SDGs were meant to conclude the unfinished business of the MDGs and respond to new challenges. The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development recognizes science, technology and innovation (STI) as key drivers enabling and acceleration towards prosperous inclusive and environmentally sustainable economies in all countries. Some of the SDGs and targets have major focus on environmental and natural resources. Many challenges in these two areas need science, technology and innovation as solutions to the problems. Due to this, the objectives of this paper is to address the role of science, technology and innovation in implementing the sustainable development goals. This has been done with particular reference to the SDGs that have main focus to environmental and natural resources which are SDGs 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14. This have been done by pinpointing the strategies, barriers and remedies that are encountered when applying STI in implementation of these goals nationally and globally. The paper is divided into five sections which include, introduction, methodology used in looking for the references, literature review, implementation of SDGs using STI, conclusion and references. The role of STI in the implementation of the SDGs have been shown by the reviewed studies in terms of strategies, barriers and remedies.
Keywords: Sustainable development goals; science, technology and innovation; research.Full Text:
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