Influence of Board of Management’s use of motivational speakers on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Machakos County, Kenya

JORRUM MWEI MUTISO, Jeremiah M Kalai, Ursulla A Okoth


Various disciplinary strategies have been tried to maintain students’ discipline in secondary schools as a result of the ban on corporal punishment. The purpose of the study was to investigate influence of board of management’s use of motivational speakers on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Machakos County, Kenya. The study embraced the Systems Theory. A mixed methods design was employed for the study. A sample of 35 principals, 381 teachers, 70 students, 70 disciplinary committee members and 35 boards of management members was selected through stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaire and interview guides were used to collect data. The pilot study was conducted in two schools to ascertain the validity and reliability of the study instruments. The content, face and construct were ensured through expert and peer review. Split-half technique was used to determine the instruments’ reliability. The descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages and inferential statistics ANOVA were used to analyze the quantitative data using the Statistical Software for Social Sciences (SPSS). The information was presented in Tables. Qualitative data was analyzed using themes and presented using narratives. The study established that there is a statistically significant difference between use of; motivational speakers and students’ discipline (F= 462.841, p < 0.000) hence, p-value of less than 0.05 significant level.

Key words: Motivational speakers; board of management; Discipline

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