Influence of Ethical Leadership Practices on Governance in Kilifi County Government, Kenya

Rosemary Adhiambo Ayieko, Obadia Miroro Okinda


The study aimed to establish the influence of ethical Leadership practices on governance in Kilifi County Government, Kenya. Drawing upon Servant Leadership Theory and Transformational Leadership Theory, the research sought to elucidate the interrelation between ethical leadership practices and governance within the specific context Kilifi County's governance. Governance was measured by transparency, accountability, integrity and fairness. A descriptive research design was employed utilizing guided questionnaires, interview schedules and analysis of ethical leadership practices to systematically explore the study objectives. The study targeted County Executive Committees, Chief Officers and citizens who come to seek services from the various county offices. The target population was 186 respondents. The study utilized census sampling technique. Data analysis technique included descriptive statistics to summarize quantitative data and thematic analysis to identify recurring themes within qualitative data. The study found that transparency have a positive impact on public trust in Kilifi County government. The study also found that accountability measures contribute to better decision-making. The study further found that leaders who demonstrate integrity are likely to gain public trust in Kilifi County government. The study concluded that accountability measures contribute to better decision-making, and that ethical leadership practices have a significant impact on the overall governance performance in Kilifi County government. The study suggests ethical leaders prioritizing ethical conduct in the workplace improves service delivery. By acting ethically, leaders can encourage employees to follow suit. The study emphasizes that ethical leaders should treat followers with respect and consideration

Key words: Transparency; Accountability; Integrity; Fairness; Governance

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