Influence of Teachers Service Commission Implementation of 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement on Professional Development and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools in Kenya
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of Teachers Service Commission implementation of 2017-2021Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on professional development. Guided by the descriptive survey design; the study had a target population of 188,765 KNUT registered teachers from whom 399 were included in the study (sample) using stratified sampling by use of Slovin’s formula. In addition, two legal officers (from TSC and KNUT) were also included in the study; translating to a sample of 401 respondents. A questionnaire for teachers was used to collect data while interview schedules were used to obtain views from the legal officers. Quantitative data was fed into SPSS and used to generate frequencies, means and standard deviations used for interpretations. The qualitative data was interpreted by searching commonalities in study themes. The overall level of job satisfaction was established to rate below average, µ=2.0969. The effect of implementation of the CBA by the TSC rated below average regarding professional development µ=2.0256. The study recommends that CBA on professional development be implemented for enhancement of teachers’ job satisfaction. A recommendation was made that another study be conducted among secondary school teachers to determine whether significant differences exist between primary and secondary school teachers on the variables under investigation.
Keywords: Influence; Primary Schools; Teachers Service Commission; Implementation, Professional development; Job Satisfaction; Industrial Relations; Kenya
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