Identification of Communication Abilities among Learners Living with Autism for Adaptive Skills Acquirement in Kenya: Analysis of Discrete Learning Method
Reduced hiccups in expressive and receptive language in verbal and nonverbal communication may serve as foundation for smooth integration in society among autistic learners. However, inadequacies may undermine social integration efforts, causing a feeling of rejection. Developing adaptive skills may be predicated on accurately established communicative capacities in discrete learning method. The study examined impact of communication skills identification on acquisition of adaptive skills in discrete learning approach among autistic learners. Constructivism and weak central of coherence theories guided the study. Theories advanced that autistic learners overcome deficits in conceptualization by exposure to practical learning which creates stimulative experiences for adaptive skills acquirement. Mixed-methods research design that utilizes qualitative and quantitative data analysis examined the impact of communication abilities identification on adaptable skills in learners with autism. The study participants included 30 parents sampled conveniently, 151 autistic learners and 73 teachers purposively sampled. Data was obtained using achievement tests, questionnaires, observation guides and FDGs and analyzed utilizing inferential and descriptive statistics. Quantitatively, Linear regression determined relationship between identification of communicative abilities and adaptive skill development that exhibited a statistically significant positive link (Beta =.932, p <.001). Qualitatively, respondents ascertained an increase in attainment of adaptive skills following rightful communication abilities identification. In conclusion, identification of communication skills escalated adaptive capacities attainment among autistic learners. Recommendations; A collaborative and apprenticeship culture of skill identification, integration of comprehensive identification processes into general educational programs for uniformity across schools. Further research on communication skill identification influence on critical thinking and decision-making among autistic learners.
Key Words: Adaptive Skills; Autistic Learners; Communication Abilities; Discrete Learning
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