Influence of Teachers Service Commission Promotion Policies on Female Teachers’ Progression to Management Positions of Public Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Kajiado County, Kenya
The study examined the influence of Teachers Service Commission promotion policies on Female Teachers’ progression to management positions of public secondary schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. It assessed how the promotion policies used by the Teachers Service Commission influence the number of Female Teachers’ Progression into Management of Public Secondary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. It was anchored on Equity Theory of Employees. Data was collected using questionnaires administered to 419 public secondary school teachers holding management positions of Heads of Departments, senior teachers, deputy and principals managing public secondary schools. Interview schedule was used to collect data from the five (5) Sub County directors of education in Kajiado County. Stratified sampling technique was used to sample 205 public secondary school teachers in management positions in Kajiado County where 4 TSC Sub County Directors of Education were purposively sampled. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and presented in a narrative form where the findings of the quantitative data were presented by use of tables and charts. The study used Pearson correction analysis to test if there was a linear association between independent variable and dependent variable where null hypothesis was tested. The data analysis software used was Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). From the study it was established that performance in one’s teaching subjects was taken into a large extent as the main policy used in promotion of teachers while participation in co-curricular activities was the least emphasized policy guiding the teachers’ progression into management of public secondary schools. The study suggested that in consultation with other stakeholders, the commission should review its current policies guiding the promotion of female teachers into management positions so as to cater for their needs. Such policies include scrapping delocalization policy, allocating more female teachers than males to management positions in mixed secondary schools and providing them with more training, motivation and opportunities for growth like sponsoring them to further education.
Key words: Female teachers’ progression; school management; institutional policies
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