Nexus Between Informatory Leadership Role of Management of Emotional Intelligence: A Case of Learner Single Parenthood in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Teachers play a vital informatory leadership role in addressing the needs of single parents and their impact on learners’ emotional intelligence. The article sought to investigate nexus between informatory leadership role of teachers and management of emotional intelligence of learner single parenthood in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.The study used a convergent mixed research design which involved quantitative and qualitative data. The study used a purposive random sampling technique to sample students in secondary schools. The study involved 191 participants’ male and female students from 4 secondary schools sampled out of 22 schools through probability and non-probability sampling. The study adopted the main theoretical models of attachment and social cognitive theories. In addition, the study adopted an open-source tool, the EI (Pc-Sc) scale) to measure personal and social competence, which measures six facets of emotional intelligence. The first part measured personal competence, which encompasses self-awareness. The second part concentrated on social competence such as social awareness, social skills, emotional receptivity and the interview guide as the instruments for data collection. The quantitative data were analysed descriptively and presented in tables, frequencies, percentages, pie charts and bar graphs. The respondents’ test was utilized to compare emotional intelligence scores by demographic details such as gender, the influence of single parenting on students’ emotional intelligence and Pearson’s correlation analysis between single parenting and emotional intelligence. The analysis revealed that there is a significant gender difference. There was no gender-related difference between the total score, with a significant difference in self-regulation and self-motivation among the students from traditional or nuclear and blended families. The analyzed data revealed that single parenting influences emotional intelligence; students from blended households are emotionally stable compared to individuals from nuclear families. This study suggests integrating emotional intelligence abilities into the curriculum with the help of teachers and parents. These results could be used as a learning tool and professional development in the therapy area to equip Teachers, parents and mental health service providers with new insights on the influence of single parenthood in secondary schools in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya and aiming at improving learner academic achievements.
Key words: Nexus; informatory leadership role; Emotional Intelligence; Single parenthood
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