Exploring Utilization of Instructional Materials among Public Lower Primary Schools in Four Selected Counties in Kenya
Instructional materials have remained important in enhancing quality education and are associated with student learning. Yet little is known about how teachers use instructional materials to help pupils learn. Utilization of instructional materials to enable pupils’ master literacy and numeracy in competitive global economy needs to be rethought. This paper examines utilization of instructional materials as a strategy to improve pupil’s literacy and numeracy skills among public lower primary schools in Kenya. The study used cross sectional survey design. Study was carried out in four selected Counties in Kenya: Kitui, Muranga,Narok and Migori. A sample of 68 head teachers and 68 teachers were selected using probabiliy sampling procedures. Four instruments were utilized: interview schedule, questionnaire, classroom observation schedule and a checklist. The results show adequacy of instructional materials and pupil textbook ratio vary across the public schools. Teacher’s use of instructional materials improved pupil’s literacy and numeracy skills through lesson preparation and giving exercises. The study recommends the need to provide adequate instructional materials.
Key words: Primary Education, Utilization, Instructional Materials, Literacy Skills, Numeracy Skills.Full Text:
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