Influence of Social-Economic Status on the Prevalence of Economic Crimes in Mariakani Township, Kilifi County
The study aimed to investigate the influence of socioeconomic status on the prevalence of theft, fraud, and embezzlement in Mariakani Township, Kilifi County, Kenya. Drawing upon Social Disorganization Theory and Rational Choice Theory, the research sought to elucidate the complex interplay between poverty and criminal behaviour within the specific context of Mariakani Township. A descriptive research design was adopted, utilizing guided questionnaires, interview schedules, and analysis of crime reports to systematically explore the research objectives. Sampling procedures involved purposive sampling to select Mariakani Township as the study area, followed by systematic random sampling to ensure unbiased representation of residents. Data analysis techniques included descriptive statistics to summarize quantitative data and thematic analysis to identify recurring themes within qualitative data. The study results revealed a widespread belief among respondents regarding the correlation between low socioeconomic status and theft occurrence, with a significant portion reporting frequent encounters with theft-related incidents in economically disadvantaged areas. Similarly, concerning proportions of respondents recognized the influence of socioeconomic status on fraud and embezzlement, with a substantial portion encountering these crimes frequently for fraud and for embezzlement in low socioeconomic status neighbourhoods. The findings underscore the significant impact of socioeconomic status on the prevalence of economic crimes in Mariakani Township, aligning with existing literature and highlighting poverty as a significant predictor of economic crimes. Addressing these disparities through targeted interventions, such as community-based initiatives, enhanced law enforcement efforts, public awareness campaigns, and policy reforms, will be crucial to effectively mitigate economic crimes and improve the socio-economic well-being of the community.
Key words: Socioeconomic status; Theft; Fraud; Embezzlement
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