The Utilization of Experience in the Noble Leadership of Secondary Schools in Nandi County: A focus on Principal’s Integrity
Experience or what others consider as knowledge or mastery of events through involvement in or exposure in the course of time, is an important practical wisdom gained from encounters in school. Following cases of corruption and integrity concerns in Nandi Secondary schools, this study focused on the experience of the principal as an attribute of his religiosity and Leadership. How does experience affect a principal’s religiosity and his/her leadership style? The study was anchored on Tony Bush’s Leadership theory of Leadership and guided by ex- post facto research design. The target population was principals, teachers and student leaders of secondary schools in Nandi County. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to sample schools, teachers and prefects. The study used three data collection methods, questionnaire, interview schedule, and content analysis guide. Experts were consulted to determine the content validity of instruments. Reliability was determined by use of Cronbach’s alpha that yielded 0.687. Hypotheses 1 and 2 were tested using t-test and analysis of variance. To determine relationship between experience and both religiosity and leadership style, ANOVA tests was carried out. Experience was shown to have a positive effect on principal’s religiousness and leadership styles. Good leadership and improved religiosity goes with long experience in the profession. Principals should meet a minimum requirement in experience (among other requirements) to be allowed to run a school. The findings of the study may assist in drafting a better principals’ policy for appointment.
Key words: Leadership styles, Experience, Secondary Education Principal
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