Instructional Leadership Approach Influence on Secondary School Learner’s Academic Performance in Kakamega County, Kenya
Teachers are the leaders in schools; they are responsible for the school management in terms of resources and academic work. Most schools face continuous decision making and management challenges. In Kenya National government has made efforts to ensure quality management systems in schools in each county. Kakamega County is one of the forty-seven counties in Kenyan. Cases of bad leadership are still reported in several learning institutions in the county; as a result, students in such institutions have recorded poor academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree to which instructional leadership approach influences learner’s academic performance. This study adapted correlation research design with data being collected by interview schedule, content document analysis, questionnaires and students’ focus group discussion. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analysed descriptively, inferentially and thematically. The study established that instructional leadership affects secondary school learners’ academic performance.
Keywords: Instructional Leadership; Accademic Perfromance
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