School-Based Counselling Practices and Learning Behaviors of Pupils with Learning Difficulties: A Case of Centre Scolaire George Defour
This study focuses on counselling practices for learners with learning difficulties in Centre Scolaire George Defour. The specific objectives were to establish the ways of identifying learners with learning difficulties at CSGD, to find out the behavioural factors influencing learning difficulties among learners and to assess the impact of school based- counselling practices to pupils with learning difficulties. A descriptive survey design was used. The study targeted a total of 180 parents of pupils with learning difficulties, 16 teacher-counsellors and 4 administration members were simply randomly and purposively selected respectively. Data were collected by use of questionnaires and document review for teachers, students and school administrators. Data were analysed using SPSS. The coefficient of multiple regression R was 0.177 and its percentage square was 3.1% implying that there was a positive but very weak relationship between school counselling and pupils’ behaviours and learning difficulties. The findings revealed that Poor class performance was one of the ways of identifying learners with learning difficulties at the extend of 40%, one of forms of misbehaviour is rudeness to teachers which formed 70%. From the respondents most of misbehaviours issues originate from family background (51.5%), counselling practices used to address learning difficulties were peer learning and reward system to encourage hard work on about 30%, talk therapy takes 26%, modelling to foster good behaviour is 8.5% and individual counselling is the last one with 5.%. All respondents (100%) strongly agree that counselling practices help to develop a very free and friendly environment and it improves pupils learning habits and increases performance (100%). This study recommends that counsellors, teachers, head teachers and parents should be in alliance as stakeholders to solve problems of students with learning difficulties.
Key words: School-based Counselling Practices; Learning Behaviours; People with learning difficulties
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