Perspectives of Basic School Level Headteachers in Accra Metropolitan Education Directorate about their Job Satisfaction amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
The study's goal was to investigate the job satisfaction of basic level headteachers in the Accra Metropolitan Education Directorate during the COVID-19 Pandemic. An explanatory sequential methodology was used in this investigation. A purposive sampling technique was also utilized to choose a total of 67 basic school heads, 15 of whom were males and 52 of whom were females. Data on job happiness was collected using the BGSU Abridged Job Descriptive Index. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (independent samples t-test and one-way between-group analysis of variance) were used. The findings show that basic school headteachers think that their current employment is good and that their current compensation is sufficient to support them. However, they were dissatisfied with their jobs in general. The results demonstrated that gender, level of headship, age differences, as well as marital status, did not have a substantial impact on job satisfaction in general during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Age; basic school headteachers; COVID-19 pandemic; gender; job satisfaction; maritalFull Text:
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