International Conference 2025 Plans underway

Call for Journal Papers Send through email or online Portal
ISSN: Print and Electronics versions The Cradle of Knowledge: 2304-2885-p, 2617-7315-e; The Authentic Knowledge: 2618-0626-p, 2618-0634-e
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Conference Organization

Conference organization and hosting is continuous. We organize high standard conferences on various topics. Seventh Annual Educational Research and Evaluation International Conference to be held on 13-14, February, 2020, at Mwenge Catholic University, Moshi, Tanzania.

Theme: Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals: Strategies, Barriers and Remedies

Sub-Themes: Education Access & Quality; Health, Sanitation & Hygiene; Economic Activities, Growth & Development; Research, Science, Technology & Innovation; Nature, Environment & Human Activities; Justice, Peace & Good Governance; Cultural Diversity and Practices; State, Private Sector and Civil Society

Sixth Annual Educational Research and Evaluation International Conference to was held on 7-9, August, 2019, at Egerton University – Main Campus (Nakuru, Kenya).

The first day (7/8/2019), was Pre-conference Training Workshop, on Educational Research and Evaluation. Theme: Curriculum Reforms: The Driving Forces, Challenges & Implications.

Sub- Themes: includes and not limited to:

Education and Training; Information Technology and Communication; Science and Innovation; Industry and production; Trade and Service Delivery; Agriculture and Natural Resources; Health and safety;  Leisure and Recreation; Creativity and Resourcefulness; Morality and Ethics (Value Systems, cultural and Religious Systems, etc.); Logic and Critical Thinking ( Philosophy, Mathematics, etc.);  Mental Power and Abilities (Reasoning, Decision Making, arithmetic., etc.); Theory Development and Knowledge Creation (Research and Evaluation); Skills Acquisition and Service Delivery; Community Service and Problem Solving. Keep checking on this website: The articles to be published in either of the following online Journals: 1) The Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and social Science Research.  Or 2) The Authentic Knowledge: African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Research.

The 2018 theme was “Building a Research Culture in Higher Institutions of Learning: Determinants, Indicators and Hindrances. The conference was held on 14-16 November, 2018, at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. The Sub-Themes included: Teaching and Learning; Management and Administration; Career Development; Growth and Sustainability; Technological Advancement; Agricultural Productivity and Food Security; Industrial Development and Manufacturing; Health Care and Management; Science and Innovation; Real Estate Development and Housing; Community Service and Problem Solving.

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