Influence of Institutional factors on Adoption of Improved Cassava Processing Technologies among Small Scale Farmers in Migori County, Kenya
Cassava is a key food crop, a cheaper raw material for animal feed and has various industrial uses. However, cassava utilization is faced with some challenges in that; once harvested, it is perishable if not processed, it is also bulky and has high cyanide concentration. Processing can increase its utilization. In Kenya, improved cassava processing technologies have been developed but their adoption continue to be low especially among small scale farmers. This paper therefore establishes the influence of institutional factors on adoption of improved cassava processing technologies in Kuria-West and Suna-west Sub-Counties. Eight wards were purposively selected based on the magnitude of cassava production, 120 cassava small scale farmers were proportionately and randomly selected. An interview schedule was used to collect data that was analyzed. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression to test the hypotheses at a level of significance of p ≤ 0.05. Institutional factors of this study explained 20.8% variation in adoption. The Chi-Square value was significant at .000. Therefore, null hypothesis which stated that, selected institutional factors [access to extension services, credit access and group membership] have no statistically significant influence on the adoption of improved cassava processing technologies by small scale farmers in the study area was rejected.The findings of the study can be a basis for interventions to help farmers adopt technologies and guide the government and policy makers in formulating strategies to address the challenges faced in processing and utilization of cassava.
Keyword: Adoption, Institutional factors, influence, small scale farmers, Technologies
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