Socio-Economic Factors that Influence Adoption of Clean Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum) by Small Scale Farmers in Njoro, Kenya
This study sought to determine the influence of selected social-economic factors on adoption of clean seed potato by small scale farmers in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. Clean seed potato is one of the best types of seed potato that farmers can use to increase potato productivity especially among resource-constrained farmers despite its low adoption. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of selected social and economic factors on adoption of clean seed potato by small scale potato farmers in Njoro Sub-County. The findings of this study may guide extension service providers in formulating policies and interventions aimed at increasing adoption of high-quality seed potato for increased productivity. The study used a correlational research design. Data was collected in a cross-sectional survey. A researcher-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. The study used Chi-square test to examine the associations between selected socio-economic factors and adoption of clean seed potato at 5% level of significance. It was found out that the association between education level, belonging to farmer groups, and distance from the source of seed potato to the farms, and adoption of clean seed potato was significant (p<0.05). The study concludes that the level of formal education attained by farmers, belonging to farmer groups, and distance between the farms and the source of seed influences adoption of clean seed potato by small scale farmers in Njoro Sub-County. This study recommends that the government encourage farmers to form groups and train more farmers in commercial clean seed potato production in order to increase clean seed potato adoption for improved productivity, incomes and food and nutritional security.
Key Words: Adoption; Clean Seed potato; Kenya; Potato; Small Scale Farmers
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