Effectiveness of Heads of Schools Management of Capitation Grants for Service Delivery in Public Secondary Schools in Hai District, Tanzania
This study examined the effectiveness of Heads of School management of Capitation grants for service delivery in public secondary schools in Hai District. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches whereby Cross-sectional survey design was used to collect quantitative data and phenomenology design was used to collect qualitative data. Target population for the study was 29 public secondary schools, 29 Heads of public secondary Schools, 29 academic teachers, 2674 students, 01 DEO and 634 public secondary school teachers. The researcher used stratified and simple random sampling techniques to sample respondents. Instruments for data collection were; questionnaires, interview guide and document analysis schedule. Quantitative data were analyzed by using frequencies and percentages and presented using tables. Qualitative data were analyzed through transcription, narration, quotation and support from popular literature. The major study finding revealed that Heads of schools implemented the capitation grants guideline with little adjustments to suit specific needs of the school. However, major Challenges that heads of school faced in management of capitation grants was inadequacy of the grants disbursed by the government. The null hypothesis was tested using Chi-square which showed that there was no statistically significant association between service delivery of heads of schools and the capitation grants management. The study concluded that heads of school were not effective in managing capitation grants due to the presence of many challenges hampering their management of the grants. The study recommends that the government should timely disburse enough capitation grants to specific school equivalent to the number of student’s enrolment.
Key words: Capitation Grants, Effectiveness, Management, and Service Delivery
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