Effect of Nature of Technical Vocational Education and Training Academic Programs on Employment Category Status of Graduates of National Polytechnics in Kenya: A Multinomial Logistic Approach
This paper looks at determinants of the employment category status of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates in Kenya. The study’s objective was to examine how the structure of TVET programs—specifically whether modular or non-modular—affected the employment outcomes of graduates from national polytechnics in Kenya. The study was anchored on the job search theory. Employing stratified and simple random sampling methods, data was collected through interviews from a sample of 1834 graduates who were part of the 2016 admission cohort at selected national polytechnics in Kenya. Results of the multinomial logistic regression showed that; the nature of course was a significant determinant of employment with the non-modular programs relative to modular programs having a lower relative risk for finding employment. Additionally spell duration, migration patterns, reservation wage, and jobs search intensity were significant determinants of employment category status. For example, When the spell duration increased by one month, the relative risk of finding self-employment in one's field of study to unemployment increased by 12.25% holding other variables constant (RRR=1.1225, p =0.000). Further, by increasing the number of job applications by one, the relative risk of finding employment in one’s field of study to unemployment increased by 27.43% holding other variables constant. Additionally, for graduates who migrated, the relative risk of finding employment in their field of study was 84.73% higher compared to those who never migrated. The paper recommends TVET institutions to lay more emphasis on modular programs and offer training on dynamic job search mechanism that can assist young graduates have a smooth transition from college to the world of work.
Key Words: Employment; Unemployment Spell; Nature of Course; Relative Risk Ratio
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