Aggressive Behaviour in Nigerian University: Examining the Role of Sleep Quality and Examination Anxiety
Recently, aggressive behaviour has taken another dimension from being perpetrated only in secondary schools but tertiary institutions. This disturbing trend has generated immense research concern among concerned stakeholders in an emerging country like Nigeria. This is because this menace can affect students' psychics and, simultaneously, the smooth running of tertiary institutions. The study investigated the roles of insomnia and examination anxiety on aggressive behaviour among undergraduates. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design with four hundred eighty-five (485) undergraduates purposively selected as participants. The Aggressive Behaviour Scale (ABS), Sleep Quality Scale (SQS), and Test Anxiety Scale (TAS) were used to gather data for the study. The results revealed that 35% of the respondents significantly reported low-level aggression, while 65% reported high aggression. There was a significant positive relationship between insomnia (r=.242, p<0.01) and aggressive behaviour. Also, examination anxiety (r=.26, p<0.01) had a significant positive association with aggressive behaviour. There was a significant joint influence of insomnia and examination anxiety on aggressive behaviour[F(2,483) = 42.96, R2 = .151; p <.01]. Further results show that insomnia (β=.29; t=6.88, p<.05) and examination anxiety (β=.31; t= 7.26, p<.01) were significant predictors of aggressive behaviour among undergraduate sampled. While demographic variables- age, sex, and ethnicity have no significant individual and joint prediction of aggressive behaviour. Therefore, the study recommended educating students on the impact of insomnia and examination anxiety on themselves and others while taking steps to mitigate its effect is essential to prevent aggressive behaviour in the university.
Key words: Aggressive behaviour; Sleep quality; Examination Anxiety; University
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