Competency Based Curriculum and its Implications for Teacher Training in Kenya
The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya was proposed, introduced, and is now a full cycle for the early years and primary school levels. It was introduced as a pilot in the Lower classes in Kenya in 2017. It proposes to change the structure and the pedagogy of basic education. This paper used a desk research methodology to look critically into the need for the proposed new CBC learning technology, the high points of the new curriculum and to show its implications for teacher education. The paper reviews the terminology surrounding the proposed new Basic Education Framework (BECF) to explain the teacher's role in the framework and suggest a way forward for teacher education. More funds from the CBC system should be allocated for preservice Teacher training for current teacher trainees to practice and experience realistic training with the 21st century resources the CBC anticipates in a Kenyan school. It concludes that the structural change from 8-4-4 to 6-4-3-3 will be the easier thing to change, while changing the spirit of the curriculum will require a more concerted effort by different players.
Keywords: Basic education curriculum framework; Competency Based Curriculum; Learning technology system; Teacher training; teacher educators
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